Posting From Jupyter
Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash
This post contains a description of some tools I used my recent posts about data analysis introduction
This is a very opinionated selection of tools which is based on my personal journey in the Open Source Software world
Jupyter Lab
Jupyter Lab is a multi-language environment started as a python shell on steroids and evolved into a really cool tool.
You can find more information about how to install and use it as well as transform a notebook into a stand-alone script.
Its interactivity makes it a go-to tools for data scientist and beginners but I find it also convenient to teach programming languages
Other than python dozen of progrmming languages are supported.
Markdown cells including Latex equations are available to comment the code; exports in many document formats too.
Its ability to launch remote shells and dozen of integration tools (e.g. GIT) makes it the tool of choice for cloud prototyping in many of the greatest environments including Google and IBM
Emacs and Org-Mode
let’s address with the elephant in the room.
I’ve been using Emacs since 1995; it is almost 30 years this piece of libre software is helping in my journey as a developer and content creator, also becoming my personal project tracking tool
Org Mode is one of the Emacs default extensions which enables rich structured notes taking, project management etc. all in plain text. One of its submodules called Org Babel is a has a lot of features in common with Jupyter Lab, but it is less popular nowadays because it has very little support outside of Emacs
Org mode has a lot of extensions: one of my favorites is org2blog which allows me to transform an org-mode file into a WordPress post… more on that below.
That said I can’t make without it – it is not a tool I recommend to beginners, but is enabling my workflow in so many ways that Visual Studio Code still cannot do. Moreover is lighter than VSC, can run on a terminal and respects my privacy.
Just for those who are interested, I’m a Doom Emacs user (of course with vi keybindings)
this tool is really great: it enables transforming between a lot of markdown languages! In this case it helps me bridging the gap between ipynb (notebook format) to org-mode; it works perfectly out of the box.
A simple command like
pandoc Part1.ipynb -f ipynb -t org -o --extract-media=images
already does what I need
- converts the format
- extracts all the images in a directory
- creates the org-babel environments properly
I just need to
- clean up the content type of the org-babel environments (more details below)
- add the
And I’m good to go.
Edit Iterations
What if I change something after publishing it with org2blog
I need to
- copy the generated heading in a different file
- copy the footer (generated when uploading images) in a different file
- extend the conversion command to look like this one
pandoc Part_5.ipynb -f ipynb -t org --extract-media=images/ -o -H -A
Exporting Latex from notebook
The only viable way to have formulae included is to have them embedded in the Markdown cell; the `%%latex` magic command does not work when translating the files in the org format
Luckily Jupyter Lab markdown includes both inline formulae using pairs of $
sign as delimiter and \begin{equation}
WordPress and Org-Mode
While I never chose php
as a development language for my projects, WordPress remains one of the most convenient content management solutions out there
- there is tons of cheap hosting
- also tons of plug-ins
Org Mode has a
Fixing language
we need to clean up a little the result
- all occurrences of
#+begin_src python
with#+begin_src python :noeval :exports code
this will preserve examples in the markdown - all occurrences of
have to be translated aspython
in order to have them properly colorized add an header for
execution: this will preventorg2blog
reexecute all snippets unless you really want it#+PROPERTY: header-args:python :noeval
However you may want to execute your code into emacs anyway… in this case:
- create a virtual environment which contains all of the packages you want to execute
- set
emacs variable to your virtual environment path add an header for
execution: you may need to tweak your output to get the expected result#+PROPERTY: header-args:python :session *Python* :exports both :results table
- some output may not fit in a table
#+begin_src python :results verbatim drawer
- execute
to get the actual result of export beforeorg2blog
Unsplash, Gimp and optimizing images for publications
I like to have a splash image to be shared within social media: unsplash is my go-to site for free quality images
With Gimp I scale the image to a 1200px width and reduce the jpg quality to 20-30% this gives me a good image wich is not so big in size.
There are many places on the Internet where you can find optimization for wordpress image: consider look for your case
While this setup is not a good chioce for everyone I hope you can find some useful tip for your case.