Take the (statistical) Test

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Our trip is finally closing: we visited Jupyter, met Pandas, explored our datasets, created independent scripts and introduced linear regression.

Now is the time to introduce a few statistical tests

The jupyter notebooks for this series of posts, the datasets, their source and their attribution are available in this Github Repo

Statistical Tests Intro

The purpose of this section is merely to introduce a couple of the most common statistical test.

There is no attempt to give a complete statistical background; there is no attempt to give any complete list of available tests.

The main purpose is to illustrate a typical usage of some of the most common python libraries when performing some more complex analysis.

The reader is invited to study the statistical theory before using any test in order to familiarize with names, objectives and common pitfalls.

Bivariate Student’s T test

We may want to verify if two sample datasets may be coming from the same distribution or different ones, i.e. they are not very different or they are different enough.

This test makes some assumptions (e.g. the distribution is normal etc.) please check the details before using this test

This test’s hypothesis are the following:

  • H0 (base hypothesis) both datasets are coming from a sampling of the same distribution
  • H1 (alternative hypothesis) the datasets may have been sampled out of different distributions

In this example we are going to compare the distribution of temperatures measured in Rome in June 1951 with the those measured in June 2009 and try to see if there is any meaningful shift

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

read daily temperatures measured in Rome from 1951 to 2009

This is the content:

column meaning
SOUID categorical: measurement source id
DATE calendar day in YYYYMMDD format
TG average temperature
Q_TG categorical: quality tag 9=invalid
roma = pd.read_csv("TG_SOUID100860.txt",skiprows=20)

This dataset column names include spaces, we need to remove them

roma.columns = list(map(str.strip,roma.columns))
Index(['SOUID', 'DATE', 'TG', 'Q_TG'], dtype='object')

let’s parse the DATE field into a pandas date series

roma.DATE = pd.to_datetime(roma.DATE,format="%Y%m%d")

We can now safely extract month and year

roma["MONTH"] = roma.DATE.dt.month
roma["YEAR"] = roma.DATE.dt.year

Let’s clean the dataset from invalid measurements

roma_cleaned = roma.loc[roma.Q_TG != 9,:]

Now I will extract the two datasets to compare

roma_giugno_1951 = roma_cleaned.loc[
    (roma_cleaned.YEAR == 1951) & (roma_cleaned.MONTH == 6),
roma_giugno_2009 = roma_cleaned.loc[
    (roma_cleaned.YEAR == 2009) & (roma_cleaned.MONTH == 6),

Let’s apply the test on them

TtestResult(statistic=np.float64(-2.167425930725216), pvalue=np.float64(0.03432071944797424), df=np.float64(58.0))

p-value is about 3% this is not a scientific proof of temperature shift but some more investigations may be worth

roma_giugno= roma_cleaned.loc[
    ((roma_cleaned.YEAR == 2009) |
     (roma_cleaned.YEAR == 1951)) & 
    (roma_cleaned.MONTH == 6)
<Axes: xlabel='TG', ylabel='Density'>


ANalyisis Of VAriance

Analysis of Variance is a family of methodologies that extend Student’s T to more than two groups; their goal is to prove whether a factor makes a difference when it splits a set of measurements.

It can be used to show if a disease treatment is effective or not. The factor or categorical independend variable is the “input”, while the health parameter is a continuous dependent variable or “output”.

We are going to show the simplest use of it called Fixed Mixture

In our exercise we are going to show the relevance of geography, year or gender respect to the unemployment in Italy for people between 15 and 24

unemployment = pd.read_csv(
Index(['Age', 'Gender', 'Area', 'Frequency', 'Year', 'Rate'], dtype='object')
['Male', 'Female']
Categories (2, object): ['Female', 'Male']
['North', 'North-west', 'North-east', 'Center', 'South']
Categories (5, object): ['Center', 'North', 'North-east', 'North-west', 'South']
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

Using * in the formula is adding interaction between factor in the analysis

model = ols('Rate ~ Gender * Area * Year', data=unemployment).fit()
table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
                        sum_sq     df           F        PR(>F)
Gender             1285.245000    1.0   31.770447  6.601688e-08
Area              18194.797505    4.0  112.440984  7.299258e-48
Gender:Area          93.451500    4.0    0.577516  6.793006e-01
Year               1134.738195    1.0   28.050014  3.420439e-07
Gender:Year          20.187814    1.0    0.499030  4.808400e-01
Area:Year            15.967523    4.0    0.098677  9.827658e-01
Gender:Area:Year     40.068551    4.0    0.247617  9.108217e-01
Residual           7281.738917  180.0         NaN           NaN

The geographical area looks very important respect to the others: the F score is much higher and the p-value is way smaller than any other contributor

import seaborn as sns
<Axes: xlabel='Rate', ylabel='Density'>


<Axes: xlabel='Rate', ylabel='Density'>


Many examples are available on the internet, e.g. this one

(Optional) How it works

The main idea is to see how a grouping is or not relevant to explain the global variance

In order to understand this test we can derive a formula representing the contribution to the global variance given by each the variance within each subgroup and the variance between all subgroups

Let’s start with the usual variance definition

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{x \in X}{(x - \bar{x})^2}}{n - 1}

where \bar{x} = E[X] = \frac{\sum_{x \in X}x}{card[X]}

given a partition X_i i.e. \bigcup_{i \in G}{X_i} =  X and n = card[X] ; n_i = card[X_i] ;

so \bar{x_i} = E[X_i] = \frac{\sum_{x \in X_i}x}{n_i}

breaking the sum into each subgroup and adding and removing x_i inside the square we have

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{\sum_{x \in X_i}(x - \bar{x} + \bar{x_i} - \bar{x_i})^2}}{n - 1}

developing the square

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{\sum_{x \in X_i}(x - \bar{x_i})^2 + (\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})^2 -2(x - \bar{x_i})(\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})}}{n - 1}

we can bring the constant part outside of the sum

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{( n_i (\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})^2 + \sum_{x \in X_i}(x - \bar{x_i})^2 -2(\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})\sum_{x \in X_i}{(x - \bar{x_i})}})}{n - 1}

by definition of \bar{x_i} we have

\forall_{i \in G}\sum_{x \in X_i}{(x - \bar{x_i})} = 0

so the last addend can be simplified; let’s break the fraction

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{ n_i (\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})^2 }}{n - 1} + \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{\sum_{x \in X_i}(x - \bar{x_i})^2}}{n - 1}

now we multiply and divide the second part by n_i - 1 in order to show how it may be seen as a variance

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{ n_i (\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})^2 }}{n - 1} + \sum_{i \in G}{\frac{(n_i - 1)}{n -1}\frac{\sum_{x \in X_i}(x - \bar{x_i})^2}{n_i - 1}}

now we can show the variance of each subgroup

var[X] := \frac{\sum_{i \in G}{ n_i (\bar{x_i} - \bar{x})^2 }}{n - 1} + \sum_{i \in G}{\frac{(n_i - 1)}{n -1}var[X_i]}

both addends are weighted; this is equivalent to

var[X] := var[E[X_i]] + E[var[X_i]]

we can rewrite it by using the “variance within groups” and “variance between groups” usual names

var[X] = var_{between} + var_{within}

The F-Score is calculated as the ratio of these two components:

F := var_{within} / var_{between}


Self taught assembler programming at 11 on my C64 (1983). Never stopped since then -- always looking up for curious things in the software development, data science and AI. Linux and FOSS user since 1994. MSc in physics in 1996. Working in large semiconductor companies since 1997 (STM, Micron) developing analytics and full stack web infrastructures, microservices, ML solutions

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