Python Intro

denny-muller-HCx0A924qf8-unsplash-scaled.jpg Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

This is the first post in a tutorial series about Python. I wrote it to leave some material for my students but also for anyone who may find it useful

Why Python

learn_python_plan_2023-08-13_07-28-41.jpg Everyone has different reasons to learn a programming language so I’m going to list a few which may or may not fit to your need:

  • Learning to use Python is easier than other languages
  • Python is widely used from schools to enterprises
  • There are a lot of powerful extensions
  • There is a large community of developers
  • There is a lot of tutorials available

How to use this tutorial

I attempted to present Python without forward references and adding many details I found useful in real applications.

Chapters are designed to be read in order; you can also choose a specific topic and read it autonomously: in case something is used which is not explained in the chapter you read, it should be explained in one of the previous. For this reason I believe this index can be a good point to navigate all the chapters forth and back

Some chapter make use of the excellent pyprez which in turn is fueled by the excellent pyodide to make your experience more interactive

  1. Setting up your environment
  2. The python REPL
  3. Some python literals, values and operators
  4. Main containers
  5. Variables and mutability
  6. Basic Builtin Functions
  7. Structured programming
  8. Functions, environment and closures
  9. Scripts
  10. Modules
  11. Introduction to object oriented programming
  12. Exceptions
  13. Introduction to filesystem and file IO
  14. Overriding of python operators
  15. Iterators and generators
  16. Coroutines
  17. Introduction to functional programming

I will refactor the chapter from time to time to fix errors, add information and improve readability


Self taught assembler programming at 11 on my C64 (1983). Never stopped since then -- always looking up for curious things in the software development, data science and AI. Linux and FOSS user since 1994. MSc in physics in 1996. Working in large semiconductor companies since 1997 (STM, Micron) developing analytics and full stack web infrastructures, microservices, ML solutions

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